Click the "Snapshot" button to take a still image. Marked as answer by Vivian Xing Thursday, May 12, 2: Anybody who knows the answer can you kindly respond? Right click on Computer and select properties. But the Web Cam needs an additional application to run. Tuesday, May 3, 2: Best Regards, Niki Please remember to click "Mark as Answer" on the post that helps you, and to click "Unmark as Answer" if a marked post does not actually answer your question.
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Hi thanks for the info it worked a treat for me no my hp compaq been trying for ages to get it working…. In the properties click Device manager.

How to Use the Webcam on the Compaq Laptop

The real problem i think that i have no video device driver. After install it auto-updated to v. If so, go to the following link to find your Computer model in the list. Click the "QuickPlay" entry that appears in the results.

Step 1 Click the "Start" icon and type "quickplay" into the search field. Downloaddrivershp compaqpresarioweb camWindows 7.

Name required Mail will not be published required. Not cqmera IT pro? Connect your Compaq PC to the Internet before performing these steps.

This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Right click on Computer and select properties. Cyberlink YouCam is a webcam application that enables the capture of images and video from a web camera. In my previous win xp i can access webcam inside my computer. But the Web Cam needs an additional application to run.

The software is straightforward and simple to understand for both novice and experienced computer users.

How to Use the Webcam on the Compaq Laptop | Your Business

Use the QuickPlay software to activate the webcam in your Compaq laptop and record videos and photos right onto your hard drive. Sign in to vote. Thanks Dennis for the Cyberlink YouCam v. HP Compaq Webcam Operation.

Best Regards, Niki Please remember to click "Mark as Answer" on the post that helps you, and to click "Unmark as Answer" if a marked post does not actually answer your question. If you cannot find the driver or software for your computer model, please confirm with the HP whether they installed the built-in webcam or not. You can download it from the official hp link:.

How Do I use my Built In Web Cam On my Compaq presario CQ56?

Click the "Start" icon and type "quickplay" into the search field. April 6th, at But i have downloaded the you cam software n installed. Remove From My Forums. Wednesday, April 27, 6: If any unrecognized device is found, then you can try cq442 the driver software.

Windows 7 User Interface https: Windows 7 User Interface. Mail will not be published required.

Here we have given predario how to download the driver and the Web Cam application. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information. Windows 7 IT Pro.


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